İzlenceler / SYLLABI

Introduction to Global Political Economy – Ziya Öniş

Okuma Süresi: 8 dk.
  • Eğitmen: Ziya Öniş
  • Dersin Verildiği Okul: Koç Üniversitesi
  • Koç Üniversitesi Ders Kodu: INTL 313 / ECIR 313 / SOC 314


This course examines the interaction between various institutions and actors that make up the
field we call international political economy, and which in turn affect distributions of wealth
and power on various levels. It is designed for students who are particularly interested in the
interactions between states, markets, firms, NGOs, and not-for-profit organizations at the
local, national, regional, and supranational levels. Most of our focus will be on how the world
is structured and how power is distributed and exercised with special reference to trade,
production, finance, and knowledge.

We will begin with a critical analysis of the major theoretical approaches to international
trade and investment. In this analysis we will include the classical approaches such as
mercantilism, liberalism, historical structuralism as well as recent debates emerging from
postmodernism, feminism, and environmentalism. Building on this foundation we will
examine the nature and effects of international “structures” of trade, production, finance, and
knowledge, also paying critical attention to their appearances, power circulations, and what
/who is occasionally absent from them. In the third section, we will focus on contemporary
struggles among (and within) advanced industrial states over markets and protectionism.
Among the issues of importance are conflicts over regional integration and competitiveness in
Europe North America and East Asia including the challenges posed by rising powers from
the “South”. Finally, we will explore North-South relations, by critically examining concepts
and issues such as development and global governance.

Throughout the course our goal will be to appraise explanatory frameworks that can be
applied to a diverse set of political issues. Students will be expected to critically assess
theories of international trade; write intelligently about struggles between actors over power
and resources; and connect current events to material discussed in the course. By the end of
the course you will have gained a comprehensive overview of the major concepts, methods,
and trends in international political economy.


  • Attendance and participation

    Regular attendance is a must if you are serious about your work and the grade you will receive. I expect everyone to be in class on time. Active participation in class discussions is encouraged and will be taken into account in calculating final grade.

  • Readings

    You are expected to have completed the readings before the first lecture of each week because lectures largely engage with the readings and move beyond them.

  • Grading

    There will be one compulsory midterm exam and one compulsory final exam. Students will need to decide on the second midterm exam or term paper option immediately after the first midterm. These will assess your understanding of and engagement with the material studied. The exams will cover the readings and the lectures. If you choose the term paper option, you will be expected to write a term paper of 3000 words on a question determined jointly with me. The question will have to be related to the issues we are covering and the themes we are exploring. You are expected to submit a one-page outline of the term paper if you choose the term paper option. Late submission of the paper outline or the term paper will be subject to penalty of one point per day.

First Midterm Exam 25%
Second Mid./Term Paper 25%
Final Exam 50%


The primary text for the course is David Balaam and Bradford Dillman’s Introduction to
International Political Economy, 6th edition, New International Edition (New Jersey:
Pearson, 2013). This book will be available at Pandora.

The other readings are available to students in the Online E-Reserve Collection of the Suna
Kıraç Library. Library web site  Catalog  Reserves by course  Course code: INTL 313.
Some journal articles are also accessible online through the library website.
Additional required readings will be announced and distributed during the semester.

A useful, additional background text in Turkish is Fikret Şenses, Ziya Öniş and Caner Bakır’s
Küresel Kriz ve Yeni Ekonomik Düzen (İstanbul: İletişim, 2013). This book will be available
at Pandora.



1 – Introduction: What is international political economy?

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch. 1
  • Evans, P. 1997. “The Eclipse of the State?”, World Politics 50(1), 62-87.
  • Woods, N. 2001. ‘International Political Economy in an Age of Globalization’, in John Bayliss and Steve Smith (eds.) The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (2nd Edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2 – Liberalism and Neoliberalism

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch.2
  • Deane, P. 1978. The Evolution of Economic Ideas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-18.

3 – Mercantilism and Realism

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch. 3

4 – Historical Structuralism and Marxism

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch.4
  • Robinson, W. and J. Harris. 2000. “Towards a Global Ruling Class? Globalization and the Transnational Capitalist Class”, Science and Society 64, 11-54.
  • Woods, N. 2001. ‘International Political Economy in an Age of Globalization’, in John Bayliss and Steve Smith (eds.) The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (2nd Edition), Oxford, Oxford University Press. pp. 285-290.
  • Deane, P. 1978. The Evolution of Economic Ideas. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-42.

5 – Alternative Approaches

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch. 5
  • Fraser, N. 2013. “A Triple Movement? Parsing the Politics of Crisis after Polanyi”, New Left Review 81, 119-132.


6 – Trade, Technology and Knowledge Structure

  • Balaam and Dillman, Ch. 6, 10
  • Oatley, T. 2004. International Political Economy, Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy, New York: Pearson, Ch. 3.
  • Hamilton, D. 2014. “America’s Mega-Regional Trade Diplomacy: Comparing TPP and TTIP”, The International Spectator, Vol. 49, No. 1, 81–97
  • Hartman, S. 2013. “The WTO, the Doha Round Impasse, PTAs, and FTAs/RTAs”, The International Trade Journal 27(5), 411-430.
  • Gallagher, K. 2012. “Challenging Opportunities for the Multilateral Trade Regime”, in: Meléndez-Ortiz, Bellmann and Mendoza (eds.), The Future and the WTO: Confronting the Challenges, 15-21.
  • Rugman, A. and Collision, S. 2009. International Business, 5th Edition, Financial Times / Pearson Education. Ch.6

7 – The Global Production and Transnational Corporations

  • Balaam and Dillman, Ch. 16
  • Strange, S. 1991. “Big Business and State”, Millennium 20(1), 245-250.
  • Strange, S. 1998. “Globaloney?” Review of International Political Economy 5(4), 704-711.
  • Rugman, A. and Collision, S. 2009. International Business, 5th Edition, Financial Times / Pearson Education. Ch.6
  • Thun, E. 2011. “Globalization of Production,” in John Ravenhill (ed.), Global Political Economy, 3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press. pp. 345-71.

8 – New Regionalism in Comparative Perspective: NAFTA, the European Union and Asia
Pacific Regionalism

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch. 12
  • Porter, T. 2006. “The North American Free Trade Agreement”, in: R. Stubbs and G. Underhill (eds.), The Political Economy of the Changing Global Order, Third Edition, 317-331, Ch. 22.
  • Van Appeldoorn, B. 2006. “The Transnational Political Economy of European Integration: The Future of Socio-economic Governance in European Union”, in Stubbs and Underhill, 306-316, Ch. 21.
  • Higgott, R. 2006, “Economic Regionalism in East Asia: Consolidation with Centrifugal Tendencies”, in: Stubbs and Underhill, 344-355, Ch. 24.

9 – The Rise of BRICs: The Challenge of the Global “South”

  • Balaam & Dillman, Ch. 13
  • Ünay, S. 2013. “From Engagement to Contention: China in the Global Political Economy”, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 18(1), 129-153.
  • Veltmeyer, H. 2010. “The Global Crisis and Latin America”, Globalizations 7, 217-233.
  • Hopewell, K. 2015. “Different paths to power: The rise of Brazil, India and China at the World Trade Organization”, Review of International Political Economy, 22(2): 311-338.
  • Walker, C. 2018. “What is ‘Sharp Power’?”, Journal of Democracy, 29(3): 9-23.
  • Optional background reading in Turkish:
  • Şenses, F., Z. Öniş and C. Bakır (eds.) 2013. Küresel Kriz ve Yeni Ekonomik Düzen, İstanbul: İletişim.

10 – International Monetary System and Financial Crisis

  • Balaam and Dillman, Ch. 7, 8
  • Güven, A. B. 2014. “The IMF and the World Bank: Meeting New Challenges”, in: Güven and Sandbrook (eds.), Civilizing Globalization: A Survival Guide, Revised and Expanded Edition, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 203-216.
  • Gallagher, K. 2011. “Losing Control: Policy Space to Prevent and Mitigate Financial Crises in Trade and Investment Agreements”, Development Policy Review 29(4), 387-413.
  • Scholte, J. “Global Trade and Finance” in Baylis & Smith, chap 27.
  • Corden, M. 2009. The World Credit Crisis: Understanding it, and what to do”The World Economy, vol 32, pp.385-400.

11 – Challenges for Global Governance I: Development, Democracy and Environment

  • Balaam and Dillman, Ch. 11, 14, 15, 17, 19
  • O’Brien, R. and M. Williams. 2007. Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics, Second Edition, New York: Palgrave, Ch. 10, 12.
  • Vestergaard, J. and Robert H. Wade. 2012. “Establishing a new Global Economic Council: governance reform at the G20, the IMF and the World Bank” Global Policy, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.257–269.
  • Keohane, R. 2011. “Global governance and legitimacy”, Review of International Political Economy, 18(1): 99-109.
  • Mahbubani, K. 2011. “Can Asia re-legitimize global governance?”, Review of International Political Economy, 18(1): 131-139.
  • Öniş, Z. and A. B. Güven. 2011., “The Global Financial Crisis and the Future of Neo-liberal Globalization: Rupture versus Continuity”, Global Governance, 17(4). 469-488
  • Wade, R. 2011. “The Emerging World Order? Multipolarity, Multilateralism, the G20, the World Bank and the IMF”, Politics and Society , 39(3) 347– 378

12 – Challenges for Global Governance II: Development, Democracy and Environment

  • Wade, R. 2013, “How High Inequality Plus Neoliberal Governance Weakens Democracy”, Challenge 56(6), 5-37.
  • Thomas, C. “Poverty, Development and Hunger” in Baylis & Smith, chap 29.
  • Öniş, Z. 2016. “Democracy in Uncertain Times: Inequality and Democratic Development in the Global North and Global South”. METU Studies in Development, 43(1): 317-336.
  • Öniş, Z. ve Ezgi Özçelik. 2019. “Küreselleşme, Servet Eşitsizliği ve Demokrasi Üçgeni Üzerine”. Çalışma ve Toplum, 60: 258-274.
  • Ikenberry, G. J. 2018. “ The End of the Liberal International Order?” International Affairs. 94(1): 7-23.


  • 1. Make-Up Exams

    Students who miss an exam and wish to write a make-up must contact the professor within 24 hours after the exam and must provide proper documentation for a reasonable excuse (e.g. a doctor’s note) before the make-up. There will be only one make-up per exam. Students who miss both the regular exam and the make-up will receive an exam mark of “0”.

  • 2. Classroom Conduct

    Students must attend lectures on time, and remain in the classroom until the end of the lecture, except during emergencies or with prior permission of the instructor. Students are expected to behave as mature and self-aware individuals in the classroom. Disruptive behaviour such as engaging in side conversations, using cell phones and other electronic devices, sleeping, working on personal activities or assignments of other courses, interrupting the professor or other students will result in the significant reduction of the attendance and participation grade.the professor within 24 hours after the exam and must provide proper documentation for a reasonable excuse (e.g. a doctor’s note) before the make-up. There will be only one make-up per exam. Students who miss both the regular exam and the make-up will receive an exam mark of “0”.

  • 3. Academic Honesty

    Honesty and trust are important to us all as individuals. Students and faculty adhere to the following principles of academic integrity at Koç University. (i) Individual accountability for all individual work, written or oral. Copying from others or providing answers or information, written or oral, to others is cheating. (ii) Providing proper acknowledgment of original author. Copying from another student’s paper or from another text without written acknowledgment is plagiarism. Recycling a paper written for another class also falls under this category. (iii) Study or project group activity is effective and authorized teamwork. Unauthorized help from another person or having someone else to write one’s paper or assignment is collusion. Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion are serious offences resulting in an “F” as your course grade and disciplinary action.

*”Koç University Statement on Academic Honesty with Emphasis on Plagiarism” ve “An Example on Accidental Plagiarism” başlıkları Panorama’ya aktarılırken çıkartılmıştır. “

Prof. Dr. Ziya Öniş, Koç Üniversitesi’nde uluslararasi politik ekonomi profesörüdür. Koç Üniversitesi Küreselleşme, Bariş ve Demokratik Yönetişim Merkezi (GLODEM) ve Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Direktörlüğü görevlerinde bulunmuştur. Öniş, Koç Üniversitesi Uluslararasi İlişkiler Bölümüne katilmadan önce Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Ekonomi Bölümünde öğretim üyesi olarak görev yapmiş (1984-1999), ayni üniversitenin Uluslararasi İlişkiler ve Siyaset Bilimi Bölümünde de dersler vermiştir. Ziya Öniş, lisans ve yüksek lisans derecelerini iktisat alaninda London School of Economics and Political Science’dan almiştir. Doktorasini ise kalkinma iktisadi alaninda Manchester Üniversitesi’nde tamamlamiştir. Prof. Öniş’in son dönem çalişmalari küresel kriz sonrasinda oluşan yeni dünya düzeni, yükselen güçlerin ekonomi politiği, kapitalizmin farkli türleri arasindaki rekabet süreçleri, küreselleşmenin ve demokrasinin geleceği temalari üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadir

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