GÖRÜŞ / OPINIONTÜRKİYE / TURKEYImpressions from Tunceli Part II: "The Dersim or Tunceli?" Debate Resurfaces - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 9 Temmuz 2024Okuma Süresi: 7 dk. In this second part of my blog on impressions from my visit to…Read more
GÖRÜŞ / OPINIONTÜRKİYE / TURKEYImpressions from Tunceli Part I: A City Caught between Perception and Reality - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 12 Haziran 2024Okuma Süresi: 7 dk. I had received a somewhat chilling invitation to speak on the…Read more
AVRUPA / EUROPEGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONTÜRKİYE / TURKEYThe EU (and UN) Should Not Make Fun of Our Intelligence: How Realistic Is It To Make Progress Under The Current Circumstances? - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 27 Nisan 2024Okuma Süresi: 9 dk. I was frustrated to read yet another European Counciljoint…Read more
DÜNYA / WORLDGÖRÜŞ / OPINION"Kehrizler”: The Contribution to the World Civilization by Turks - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 22 Nisan 2024Okuma Süresi: 3 dk. After emerging from Central Asia, Turks migrated extensively to all…Read more
DÜNYA / WORLDGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONAttention: March is a dangerous month for military operations in our region - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 12 Mart 2024Okuma Süresi: 4 dk. There is a historical trend to start military operations in March.Read more
DÜNYA / WORLDGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONClean Energy vs Supply Security and Geopolitical Risks at COP-28? Where does Türkiye Stand in All This? - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 27 Şubat 2024Okuma Süresi: 9 dk. One of the most important discussions of the COP-28 summit, which was…Read more
Cumhuriyetin 100 Yılı / 100 Years of the RepublicDÜNYA / WORLDGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONTÜRKİYE / TURKEYEnergy Wars & Water Peace - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 17 Şubat 2024Okuma Süresi: 6 dk. There are four most important, indispensable needs for human beings to…Read more
DÜNYA / WORLDGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONPolitics and Business: Yes, but What about Health and Well-being? 10 Recommendations from a Life Guru - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 7 Şubat 2024Okuma Süresi: 7 dk. The Gaza War, tensions at the Red Sea, the endless duel between Iran…Read more
AVRUPA / EUROPEDÜNYA / WORLDGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONTÜRKİYE / TURKEYCOP-28’de temiz enerji mi, ikmal güvenliği ve jeopolitik riskler mi? Türkiye, tüm bunların neresinde? - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 2 Şubat 2024Okuma Süresi: 7 dk. 2023 Kasım ayında Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde yapılmış olan…Read more
Cumhuriyetin 100 Yılı / 100 Years of the RepublicGÖRÜŞ / OPINIONTÜRKİYE / TURKEYNecessity of Reform and Renaissance for Turkey - Mehmet Öğütçü Mehmet Ogutcu 26 Kasım 2023Okuma Süresi: 4 dk. We are going through challenging times. Armed conflicts, civilian…Read more